Posted on: April 15, 2023 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Author: M. Oviya, Student at Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Saveetha University, Chennai-77

Co-Author: Sanjanaa (131802011), Student at Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Saveetha University, Chennai-77


A conjugal visit is a time frame during which an offender or prisoner can spend several hours or days alone with a visitor who is their legal spouse. The couples can take part in sexual action. However, there is no specialised program for such visitation in India’s closed prisons. In this century, allowing such visits is primarily done to increase the likelihood of a prisoner’s successful final return to life after incarceration and to preserve family ties. In addition, they inspire inmates to follow the daily prison rules. The right to “create life” and “procreate” are included in the right to life, and this fundamental right is not affected by a person’s sentence or punishment. A prisoner’s mental health improves when they spend time with family and put energy into activities. He needs the warmth, care, and love of his family. The study’s primary objective is to determine whether conjugal rights are a significant part of a man’s life and the specific Indian laws governing conjugal visits. Age, gender, educational attainment, and occupation are the independent variables used. The dependent variables are whether or not a man’s conjugal rights are very important and whether or not India has specific laws regarding conjugal visits. A convenient sampling strategy has been used by the researcher to complement empirical research. The researcher used a sample size of 204. The outcome saw from the analysis, The undergrad respondents who work in the public area have emphatically answered that there are explicit regulations for intimate freedoms than the postgraduate respondents who work in the confidential area and the Male respondents who own a business have decidedly answered and shown help in getting explicit regulations for intimate visits India than the female respondents who work in the confidential area.

Subsequently, the paper proposes that Intimate freedoms are fundamental and India has taken a lead from the laws of different countries.

Keywords: Private, Spouse, Bond, Privilege, Rights.

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