Posted on: July 6, 2024 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Author: Sonia Chillarge, Assistant Professor, Barrister A.R. Antulay College of Law, Mumbai                                        


The title of this Research Article symbolises that zero hunger is a goal of sustainable development which is a need for economic empowerment of India. This path eradicates the child labour not only into food and agriculture contribution but also throughout the legal contour of statute. The object of Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 is i) to ban the employment of children who have not completed the age of 14 Years. ii) to lay down a procedure to decide modifications in the Schedule of banned occupations or processes; iii) to regulate the conditions of work of children in employments where they are not prohibited from working; iv) to lay down enhanced penalties for employment of children in violation of the provisions of this Act, and other Acts which forbid the employment of children; v) to obtain uniformity in the definition of child in the related laws. The role of Judicial Activism acts as bridge for the ends of Justice. The Supreme Court issued directions to all the state governments and the union territories for eradicating the evil of child prostitution and for evolving programmes for the care, protection, treatment, development and rehabilitation of young fallen victims.

Keywords: Child Labour, Food Security, Social Protection, Economic Prosperity, Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, Right to Education.

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