Posted on: June 8, 2023 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Author: Ishita Ahuja, Student at Amity University, Noida

Co- Author: Dr. Ekta Gupta, Asst. Professor at Amity University, Noida


With the growing influence of digital technology on various aspects of our lives, the issue of copyright law has become increasingly complex and controversial. The emergence of the Internet and the proliferation of digital content have challenged traditional notions of copyright, leading to ongoing debates about the protection and dissemination of creative works in the digital world. This dissertation aims to critically analyze copyright laws in the digital world, with a focus on the challenges and opportunities presented by digital technology.

Further this paper would include of the history and evolution of copyright law, the impact of digital technology on copyright law, the challenges of enforcing copyright law in the digital world, the role of copyright law in promoting creativity and innovation, the impact of copyright law on the distribution and consumption of digital content, the implications of copyright law on the business models of content creators and distributors and the role of international copyright law in digital world with the leading case laws.

Copyright law, a branch of intellectual property law, serves as a fundamental tool for protecting the rights of creators and encouraging innovation in the digital world. With the advent of the internet and rapid technological advancements, the digital landscape has transformed the way content is created, distributed, and consumed. As digital technologies continue to evolve, the traditional notions of copyright law face new challenges and complexities.

India, a country with a rich cultural heritage and a burgeoning digital economy, has been grappling with the need to adapt its copyright law to the digital world. The Copyright Act, 1957, enacted during the pre-digital era, has undergone several amendments to address the changing landscape of technology and globalization. However, with the fast-paced developments in the digital world, questions have arisen about the adequacy and effectiveness of the existing copyright law in India.

This critical analysis aims to examine the copyright law in India in the context of the digital world. It will delve into the historical development of copyright law in India, analyze the impact of digital technologies on copyright law, explore issues of copyright infringement in the digital realm, discuss fair use and exceptions, assess the role of digital rights management (DRM), examine the enforcement of copyright law in the digital world, review international perspectives, highlight critiques, and suggest future directions for copyright law in India.

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