Author: Sanskruti Brahma, Student at Capital Law College, Bhubaneswar
Sexuality is an evolving concept in the world. The world bases its judgment on if someone identifies as different from the orthodox. It is evident those people who have identified as “others” or have different sexual orientations have been ridiculed, and judged by the world. For them, everything becomes difficult as sometimes their own family abandons them. Hence, they become vulnerable, suffer from poverty and their Fundamental rights are being constantly violated. However, the constitution of India guarantees them major rights and live free from discrimination. There have been some cases where the supreme court took some major steps and gave them the title of third gender. This paper tried to explain the social-legal perspective of society as well as the view of the author regarding the subject matter. The author discussed cases relating to transgender rights. Also explained the international view and major policies regarding the trans-community.
Keywords: Transgender, Right, Queer, Victims, Fundamental Rights.