Posted on: August 31, 2023 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Author: Arpit Agarwal, Student at Amity University, Lucknow


From the historic Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment in 1972 to the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development in 2002, this research study charts the trajectory of global attempts to protect the environment. This paper examines important texts, agreements, and customs that have influenced the way people talk about the environment around the world.

The present era of international environmentalism can be traced back to the Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment. This ground-breaking statement not only demonstrated the profound connection between human activity and the environment, but it also set the stage for later environmental agreements. We examine its historical importance, fundamental ideas, and enduring effects on international environmental policy.

The UNEP Guidelines of 1978 come to light as yet another crucial turning point in the paper’s development. The United Nations Environment Programme created these regulations in an effort to give countries a framework for environmentally sound management. We examine their origins, goals, efficacy, and ongoing applicability to modern environmental governance.

The importance of legal concerns has increased within the context of climate change. In this paper, we analyze the complex structure of international environmental legislation, illuminating its difficulties and its enforcement procedures. Examining case studies and current events also gives a thorough understanding of how the legal environment is changing.

The important conclusions from this thorough exploration of international environmental agreements and papers are summarized in the paper’s conclusion. Discussions on future prospects and emerging trends offer insights into how the world’s natural landscape is changing. This study paper serves as a crucial resource for decision-makers, researchers, and all stakeholders committed to the preservation of our planet at a time when the world faces unprecedented environmental problems.

Keywords: Environment, International, Policy, Legislation, Problems.

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