Posted on: August 20, 2023 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Author: Prajjwal Prajapati, Student at IMS Unison University, Dehradun


Sexual violence against women poses a grave threat to gender equality, dignity and rights in India. Despite legislative measures and judicial pronouncements aimed at safeguarding women, sexual assault persists as a disturbing reality. This article delves into the legal framework and jurisprudence on sexual violence in India. It analyzes provisions across statutes and key court judgments that elucidate the position of the law on crimes against women. The discussion also highlights the unique challenges female survivors encounter in reporting abuse and seeking redressal. Their experiences are situated within the broader context of global human rights norms that enshrine gender equality and bodily autonomy. However, transforming legal protections into tangible social change remains an uphill battle. Outdated mindsets that trivialize abuse compound women’s vulnerability. Victims may feel deterred from speaking out due to fear of stigma, disbelief or backlash. The analysis emphasizes the need for multifaceted efforts spanning reforming legislation, sensitization through education, facilitating access to justice and rehabilitation for affected women. Significant research across academic disciplines is warranted to inform an empathetic, victim-centered approach. Combating sexual violence necessitates cooperation among law makers, courts, civil society and communities to dismantle debilitating patriarchal attitudes that subordinate women’s rights. The article thus provides vital insights into the existing legal paradigm, socio-cultural challenges and potential solutions to the pressing issue of violence against women. It serves to further public discourse and understanding of rectifying gender inequities that engender sexual abuse.

Keywords: Sexual Offences, Women, Legal protection, Sexual Harassment.

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