Posted on: July 21, 2023 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Author: Tanishka Tiwari, Student at Shambhunath Institute of Law, Allahabad

Co-Author: Kakusth Tripathi, Student at Shambhunath Institute of Law, Allahabad


Same-sex marriage also known as gay marriage or marriage equality, refers to the legally recognized union of two individual of the same sex. It allows same sex couples to enter into the civil marriage contract, granting them the same legal right, benefits and responsibilities as opposite sex couples.

In the same sex marriage couples typically commits to a life long partnership, sharing a legal a social bond recognized by the government and society. This includes various legal protection and benefits such as inheritance rights, tax benefits, access to healthcare and insurance, child custody and adoption right, and the ability to make medical decisions for one’s partner.

The recognition of same sex marriage has been an important issue in the pursuit of LGBTQ+ rights and equality around the world. It represents a significant step towards eliminating discrimination based on sexual orientation and ensuring equal treatment and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation.

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