Posted on: May 11, 2022 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Author: Sanchit Mehta Girdhar, Student at Manipal University, Jaipur

Co-Author: Yash Singhal, Student at Manipal University, Jaipur


India has been a land of colors and religion. The variety in religion is India’s beauty, but this often sparks a skirmish with the rights of an individual in liberal society. Although sometimes, the principles of liberalism are misunderstood due to misapplication and unawareness of the knowledge governing such a system. In this article, the author will be dealing with the controversial practice of banning the entry of women in the temple of Sabarimala.  In this research, the author examines if the practice in question is in consonance with the Fundamental Rights in the Constitution. In order to examine this, the applicability of each one of these Articles is examined individually.

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