Posted on: June 10, 2023 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Author: Nikita Sonker, Student at Amity Law School (Lucknow Campus)


Violence against women by men is a widespread issue that spans across cultures, societies, and socioeconomic backgrounds. It is rooted in gender inequality and unequal power dynamics, perpetuated by harmful social norms, attitudes, and stereotypes. This form of violence manifests in various ways, including physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, and has severe consequences for women’s physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Physical violence against women by men involves acts such as physical assault, battery, and acts of aggression that cause bodily harm. It can range from slapping, punching, and choking to more extreme forms of violence, such as mutilation or even femicide. This type of violence often serves as a means to exert control, dominance, and power over women, reinforcing gender-based inequalities.

Sexual violence by men against women encompasses a wide range of offenses, including rape, sexual assault, molestation, harassment, and coercion. It is a violation of a woman’s bodily autonomy and consent. Psychological abuse by men against women involves tactics such as emotional manipulation, intimidation, humiliation, threats, and verbal attacks. This form of violence erodes a woman’s self-esteem, autonomy, and agency, making her feel trapped, fearful, and disempowered. Psychological abuse can be as damaging as physical violence, as it undermines a woman’s sense of self-worth and can have long-term effects on her mental health.

It is important to recognize that violence against women by men is not an issue that is limited to individual acts of misconduct. It is a systemic problem deeply rooted in societal structures and norms that perpetuate gender inequality. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach that includes legal measures, education, awareness campaigns, and efforts to challenge and change the harmful attitudes and behaviors that enable such violence.

Keywords:  Violence, Women, Health, Men, Physical, Abuse.

“Dead women tell no tales, sad men write them down” ~ Daniel Handler

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